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Life Insurance

Life insurance and happiness: Are your clients happy and healthy?

There's nothing better than a happy client — except a client who's both happy and healthy.

Did you know that happiness can provide health benefits to your clients? From cardiovascular health to increased longevity, research has revealed several ways in which happiness and wellness are intertwined.

What does that mean for you and your clients? Being happy and healthy can bode well for securing life insurance coverage and favorable rates.

How are happiness and health related?

In recent years, studies have shown that happier people tend to be healthier. For instance, happy people have strong cardiovascular health and immune function, and can even live longer.

For clients thinking about life insurance, you already know to cover the basics. Your clients may not know much about how the process works and may need you to explain the ins and outs. They might even think it's too expensive for them. As you explain the basics, it's important that clients know how their health can affect their chances of getting life insurance, and how focusing on their happiness could help their overall health.

When a life insurance company reviews an applicant's health records and medical history, they examine indicators of healthy habits. For instance, is the applicant in good shape and at a healthy weight? Factors like these can go a long way in determining whether or not an applicant is awarded a policy and at what cost.

Some factors, such as age and pre-existing conditions, can't be controlled, but others can. And that's where focusing on happiness and health can help.

How can happiness lead to better health for your clients?

Your clients may have found that everything just seems easier when they're happier, even practicing gratitude. Being happy may also help:

  • Stave off stress — The American Heart Association says that 80 percent of visits to primary care doctors are due to conditions that are caused or exacerbated by unmanaged stress. Even in small doses, stress can trigger long-term health effects that may not develop until much later, according to a study supported by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institutes of Health.
  • Support the immune system — Cultivating happiness and well-being has been shown to provide a positive effect on the immune system. For example, six weeks of mindfulness training led to positive immune changes in young breast cancer survivors, according to one study.
  • Reduce pain — Chronic pain can be debilitating, but according to the results of one study, happy people were more likely to report lower levels of pain.

How can you help your clients be happier and healthier?

You might be more used to offering advice to help your clients deal with financial stress, but there are plenty of ways that you can encourage your clients to live a happier, healthier lifestyle — and, in turn, better their chances of securing life insurance coverage. In fact, when done appropriately, expressing your concern about their well-being can help build trust and better your relationship.

Having information on your clients' hobbies and what they do outside out of work is important to helping you maintain a strong rapportThe Mayo Clinic says that getting enough sleep, eating healthy food and exercising regularly are all essential to happiness.

With that in mind, you may want to ask these questions to gauge how happy and healthy your clients are.

1. What do you like to do for exercise? One study showed that even just small amounts of exercise can have a positive effect on happiness.

2. How do you manage stress? Chronic stress has been tied to physical and emotional problems, troubled relationships and depression.

3. Do you have solid relationships or a therapist that you turn to for support? One Harvard study found that good relationships are essential to long-lasting happiness.

4. Do you see your doctor regularly? Staying up to date on checkups can ward off medical problems before they become bigger ones.

5. Are you getting a good night's rest? The American Psychological Association says that few Americans regularly get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night, even though getting more sleep would make someone healthier and happier.

There's a reciprocal effect to happiness and health. Being happier can lead your clients to make better lifestyle choices — and when your clients are healthy, they tend to feel better. All of this combined can help as they seek to purchase life insurance.

Learn more about helping clients who are interested in purchasing a life insurance policy.



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