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Life Insurance

Life insurance medical exams: Your opportunity to shine (for your clients)

The life insurance medical exam is one of the last steps for your client in the application process. By the time the medical exam (paramed) arrives, your clients have answered numerous questions, provided information about medical providers, and made emotionally-charged decisions. They are probably not enthusiastic about this task, but it’s an important event — for their policy and for your relationship as their trusted agent.

Your job isn’t finished when your clients sign their application. The real value you provide, is the guidance you offer your clients. Help them understand the benefits of an in-person exam, and how they can improve the chances of accurate test results.

Manage surprises for the life insurance medical exam

When it comes to a life insurance medical exam, it’s probably best to avoid surprises. Clients are ready to put the application and underwriting process behind them. You certainly don’t want to encourage any buyer’s remorse, or a decision to walk away from coverage that they really need.

Telling clients what will happen, which tests are required, and the types of questions to expect can go a long way to prepare your clients for the life insurance medical exam process. A brief discussion about their life insurance medical exam can prepare them for anything that might be unpleasant, and you may even ease their concerns.

If clients are unnecessarily anxious about the exam, they may get higher blood pressure readings than normal. For example, clients might appreciate knowing that they need to provide a urine sample, but they can collect the specimen in privacy. Of course, clients need to wait for instructions from the paramed, and the paramed and lab will be on the lookout for fake samples.

Help clients save money

A smooth medical exam can help your clients secure the best rate class available to them. You know you can’t sneak anything past the underwriters, but you can help keep clients from getting bumped into a more expensive class. Set your clients up for success by describing the process and providing instructions for a successful exam.

Clients probably don’t know that too much coffee, a high-sodium meal, or a full belly can throw off test results. Those things may seem unimportant — until they have to pay a higher premium year after year.

A few tips for clients include:

  • Stay hydrated so that it’s easier to draw blood and produce urine samples.
  • Avoid salty meals for at least 24 hours before the exam.
  • Schedule exams in the morning and have breakfast afterward so they can fast if required.
  • Avoid strenuous activity for 12 hours before the exam (another reason to schedule first thing in the morning).
  • Keep coffee intake to a minimum, and avoid tobacco use for at least one hour before the exam.
  • Gather medical records and contact information for medical providers — even if that information is already in the application.

Solidify client relationships

You’ll help your clients when you coach them through medical exams, but you’ll also help yourself. Everybody will appreciate smoother underwriting in the short term, and you’ll benefit from strong relationships that may last a lifetime.

Clients feel like you’re on their side when you help them avoid expensive mistakes (and surprises). As a result, they may see you as an advocate instead of a salesperson. You’ll also improve your credibility as a competent expert by telling them exactly what’s going to happen before it happens.

Knowing that you’re capable of much more than just handing out applications, your clients may be more comfortable coming to you with future needs, such as when they need to consolidate assets, plan for retirement or even send referrals your way.



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